Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2014 Goals

I think I already talked about the 2014 spirit, but I didn't really put down the list of goals.

1. Continuation of 2013 goal----> Be more grateful of what I have. Realize it, own it and be grateful.
I am always looking for something new, but also learn to appreciate the things and people in your life

2. Control my thoughts: don't make assumption, don't believe everything I think it is true. When I have negatives thoughts or memories, I need to think about what I have  and what I want and not about what I missed.

3.Go back to be optimistic about life and about me. I will get whatever I want, no matter how hard it is. and it will happen. don't be negative and think that it will be hard and I won't make it

4. Let go people and situations that hurt me. just let go, otherwise I will attract the same things all over

5. stop stalking people on social medias

6. Think like a million bucks, and you will get it. Think higher of myself

7. Be more smart and less afraid----> don't make stupid choices out of fear

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